Cardiopulmonary Services
Stay close to home for your Cardiac and Respiratory testing and treatment in the GMHC Cardiopulmonary Department. Our team is staffed 24 hours by licensed Respiratory Therapists that are committed to providing convenient, quality care to patients at risk or suffering from heart and lung conditions. We will work closely with a provider to personalize the care you receive. Services are available in multiple settings, including clinic, ER, inpatient and outpatient. These services include, but are not limited to:

Cardiac Services:
- Treadmill Stress Testing
- Pharmaceutical Stress Testing (Lexiscan)
- Holter monitoring
- Electrocardiograms (EKG)
Pulmonary Services (Respiratory Therapy):
- Pulmonary Function Testing (pre/post bronchodilator, FVC, DLCO, PLETH, etc.)
- ABGs
- Oxygen Qualification Testing
- Aerosol Therapy
- BiPAP/CPAP Therapy
- Nebulized Medication Therapy
- Bronchial Hygiene (CPT, Flutter valve, etc.)
- Asthma/COPD Education
- Overnight Oximetry
- Sleep Screens
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Services:
Cardiac Rehab:
GMHC’s cardiac rehab is a supervised program to help people to recover from cardiac events and disease including congestive heart failure, heart attack, surgery, and procedures including stenting and angioplasty. Our program will provide you with education and exercise to reduce the risk of future heart problems, including heart attack.
There are many benefits of cardiac rehabilitation:
- Live longer and decrease the chance of a heart attack
- Improve stamina and help you get back to your usual activities
- Lessen the physical and emotional effects of heart disease
- Improve confidence and well-being
Pulmonary Rehab:
GMHC’s Pulmonary Rehab is a supervised program that is professionally supervised and designed to help patients find relief from the symptoms and limitations of chronic lung diseases such as COPD and asthma. These conditions make it difficult to enjoy life, leading to depression and decreased quality of life. You may find it difficult to complete simple activities of daily living due to running out of breath. Our program will provide you with education and counseling to help reduce the risk of future problems, as well as how to cope with your current symptoms. We will educate you on your current disease, why you are having the symptoms, and how to manage symptoms on a daily basis.
Our team of respiratory therapists provide you with the individualized support and attention you need to personalize your care and reach your goals. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, pre and post lung transplant, lung cancer, and post COVID you will benefit from pulmonary rehab.
Stress Testing:
GMHC offers stress testing to learn more information about how your heart is working during physical activity. Test results can help your provider diagnose the cause of chest pain, determine the severity of coronary artery disease and evaluate heart rhythm problems. It can also be used to guide treatment if you’ve already been diagnosed with a heart condition. Your provider may also order the test if you are going to start an exercise program and you have heart disease or certain risk factors such as diabetes.
A physician is present throughout the test to monitor your heart rhythm. In most cases, the test is performed on a treadmill. An injection of medication can be used to stress your heart if you are unable to exercise adequately. Your provider may also order nuclear imaging before and after your heart has been stressed. The images can show areas of low blood flow through the heart and damaged heart muscle.