Volunteer Opportunities
Our volunteer team is critical to the success of our Family Resource Center (FRC). From stocking shelves in our Food Pantry to transporting clients to medical appointments, our volunteers are the reason why we can offer such a large variety of services and increased access to health and human services to the individuals and families we serve.
Volunteer opportunities at the FRC include:
- Unpack and stock shelves with weekly deliveries
- Pack food for individuals/families
- Deliver food to local clients
- Pack clothes for families/agencies
- Sort and organize donations (clothing, households, etc.)
- Switch out seasonal clothes in storage
- Answer office phone and take messages when staff are out
- Transport clients to medical appointments
- Become a Certified SHIIP Counselor
- Office Housekeeping
- Community Program Activities
If interested, contact the FRC with your name and phone number. Most volunteer opportunities are sent via text message. You may respond if the request is something you can help with. Other opportunities are ongoing – contact the FRC to discuss your availability and interest.
Outside FRC Volunteer Opportunities:
- Become a Mentor or Mentor for a Day – contact claytonridgementoring@gmail.com
- Mobile Food Pantry – contact family.resource.center@guttenberghospital.org
Register. Respond. Make a difference.
i-SERV is the Iowa Department of Public Health’s secure online registry for individuals wishing to volunteer in the event of a large-scale disaster or public health emergency. i-SERV is part of a federal effort to coordinate and assemble volunteers for all types of emergencies.