Merlin’s Story
“The nurses and therapists have been so good to me and the food is the BEST here!” said Merlin Moser, Skilled Care patient at GMHC.
Merlin is a retired farmer from Colesburg. He and his wife, Judy, have been coming to GMHC for their health care as long as they can remember. After 28 years of wintering in Arizona, a few years ago they decided to buy a home in Guttenberg. “It’s a blessing that our home is now so close to the hospital, not only for Merlin, but for me! I’ve had plenty of health issues myself,” said Judy.
In the spring of 2023, around Easter, Merlin noticed a painful toe on his left foot. At his Annual Wellness Visit, his primary care provider at the time, Dr. Hoffmann, referred Merlin to physical therapist Kimberly Franzen so she could take a closer look. “She got on the phone right away and called my cardiologist, Dr. Ram (Ramabadran),” reflects Merlin. “Kim got me in to see him right away!” Merlin was diagnosed with a serious circulation problem in his left foot from peripheral vascular disease.
A podiatrist determined that Merlin would lose all of his toes, and eventually his foot. The best option was to amputate his leg just below his knee. Following the amputation, in July, Merlin returned to GMHC for Skilled Care for three weeks. “Even on a walker, Merlin got around pretty good,” said Judy, “so we just kept coming back to the gym each day and completed the entire Physical Therapy program!” Merlin got his prosthesis the day before Christmas, and continued with physical therapy, working also with a prosthetist. Although he is going to be 86 years old, Merlin was able to get around well with his new leg.
Merlin’s next admission to GMHC Skilled Care was this past June. He was diagnosed with Endocarditis, a bacterial infection affecting the heart, which requires IV antibiotics several times each day for 8 weeks. Judy walks up daily to spend time with Merlin and play games to pass the time.
“Everyone takes such good care of me here,” said Merlin.
All of my friends say “Judy, you don’t know how lucky you are to have a hospital right here!”
Merlin and Judy couldn’t agree more!