We all need care at some point in our lives. For some, the biggest barrier to receiving care is accessing it. Community Paramedicine providers work with your primary care provider to break that barrier and bring care to patients who need it most, where they need it most.
Patients can be evaluated in the comfort of their own homes through a scheduled appointment time. Visits are free and can help avoid a clinic visit, ambulance ride or hospital care.
If you or your loved one could benefit from this service, talk to your Cornerstone Family Practice provider at 563-252-2141.
What do Community Paramedicine providers do?
Community Paramedicine providers can provide the following in-home treatment and assessments:
- Monitoring of oxygen levels, blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, oxygen saturation, etc.
- Monitoring of weight
- Blood collection for home-bound patients
- Education of medications and assistance with setting up medication packs
- Electrocardiograms (ECGs)
- Wound assessments and cares
- Immunizations for home-bound patients
- In-home safety assessments
In addition to in-home assessments, they:
- Will provide personalized in-home care
- Act as a care bridge after hospitalization
- Can answer your questions about your acute or chronic medical condition
- Have secure access to health records
- Have the necessary equipment to assist your provider in early illness detection
- Can provide appropriate care for emergencies
We at Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics look forward to providing this service to you as yet another way we keep YOU at the center of our Patient-Centered Medical Home care model.