Author: Amy Speed

Merlin’s Story

“The nurses and therapists have been so good to me and the food is the BEST here!” said Merlin Moser, Skilled Care patient at GMHC.

Merlin is a retired farmer from Colesburg. He and his wife, Judy, have been coming to GMHC for their health care as long as they can remember. After 28 years of wintering in Arizona, a few years ago they decided to buy a home in Guttenberg. “It’s a blessing that our home is now so close to the hospital, not only for Merlin, but for me! I’ve had plenty of health issues myself,” said Judy.

In the spring of 2023, around Easter, Merlin noticed a painful toe on his left foot. At his Annual Wellness Visit, his primary care provider at the time, Dr. Hoffmann, referred Merlin to physical therapist Kimberly Franzen so she could take a closer look. “She got on the phone right away and called my cardiologist, Dr. Ram (Ramabadran),” reflects Merlin. “Kim got me in to see him right away!” Merlin was diagnosed with a serious circulation problem in his left foot from peripheral vascular disease.

A podiatrist determined that Merlin would lose all of his toes, and eventually his foot. The best option was to amputate his leg just below his knee. Following the amputation, in July, Merlin returned to GMHC for Skilled Care for three weeks. “Even on a walker, Merlin got around pretty good,” said Judy, “so we just kept coming back to the gym each day and completed the entire Physical Therapy program!” Merlin got his prosthesis the day before Christmas, and continued with physical therapy, working also with a prosthetist. Although he is going to be 86 years old, Merlin was able to get around well with his new leg. 

Merlin’s next admission to GMHC Skilled Care was this past June. He was diagnosed with Endocarditis, a bacterial infection affecting the heart, which requires IV antibiotics several times each day for 8 weeks. Judy walks up daily to spend time with Merlin and play games to pass the time.

“Everyone takes such good care of me here,” said Merlin.

All of my friends say “Judy, you don’t know how lucky you are to have a hospital right here!”

Merlin and Judy couldn’t agree more! 

Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics is pleased to announce a new way to support the Community Resource Center project while honoring or memorializing a loved one and bringing beauty inside our hospital and clinics through Project Beautify!

From serene sunsets on the Mighty Mississippi to breathtaking autumn displays along the rolling countryside, Project Beautify showcases images of the Clayton County area, taken by local professional photographers. Choose your favorite image from our selection to adorn the walls of GMHC in memory of, or honor of, your loved one.

Project Beautify sponsorship level is $1,300 per image, with $1,000 of the sponsorship fee going to the Community Resource Center Campaign, where our new Family Resource Center will be located.

Images measure 30″ x 20″ and will include a 4″ x 4″ plaque placed below the image noting the donor and loved one.

To sponsor an image, contact Amy Speed at or by calling 563-252-5558.

In celebration of National Donate Life Month this April, GMHC had a flag-raising ceremony on April 10th. The act symbolizes our collective appreciation for the miracles of organ, eye and tissue donation and recognizes those who have chosen to give the invaluable gift of life. During the event, two donor stories were shared. One from a living donor, Jody Wille, and one from a recipient, Donna Simon.

In 2023, Iowa stood as a beacon of hope and generosity. 123 organ donors provided 350 organs for transplantation, offering a second chance at life for many. Additionally, 1,027 tissue donors from our state brought healing and relief to countless individuals, three of which came from GMHC, each tissue donor impacting 50 to 350 people’s lives. Despite these life-changing acts, over 106,000 people in the U.S. are still waiting for a crucial organ transplant, including more than 600 Iowans.

The Donate Life flag raising ceremony not only highlights the ongoing need for life-saving transplants but also salutes the donors and families for their profound act of giving. Every donor has a story, and each story is a testament to human kindness and resilience.

Jody Wille

Jody Wille’s uncle, Owen Harbaugh, had kidney damage due to hypertension. When his kidneys stopped functioning, he had to go on dialysis for a short period of time. That is, until his niece, Jody Wille, who was a perfect match, stepped up to donate one of her kidneys.

Owen was a veteran and in August, 2002, surgeons from UIHC came to the VA in Iowa City to perform the 3 to 4 hour surgery. Surgery was on a Thursday. Jody was out of the hospital by Saturday while her Uncle Owen stayed a few more days to ensure his body was adjusting to Jody’s kidney. And, it did! 

“The surgeons told them that most kidneys sleep a while before working in the new recipient, but mine started working right away in Uncle Owen,” said Jody.

“My uncle was very close to our family and I felt this was the least I could do for him. Uncle Owen was never married or had children, so my siblings and I were like his kids,” said Jody.

“I tell people that being a living donor is giving a gift that keeps giving, not only to the recipient, but to their family and friends who get to spend more time together. Uncle Owen lived with my donated kidney for 18 more years, attending family celebrations like weddings and graduations of his numerous nieces and nephews, and birthday parties of his beloved great nieces and nephews.” 

Although Jody was told that the surgery is harder on the person who donates than the person who receives, that was not true for her. She exercised daily prior to surgery by walking 3-5 miles per day and drank plenty of water. Jody was off work for about four weeks for her recovery, and declared, “It was well worth it for our family to have those extra 18 years with Uncle Owen.” 

Donna Simon

Donna Simon, a double lung recipient, was present to read a heartfelt letter that was written and sent to her by the mother of Donna’s 21-year-old donor. The letter described how he was a musician, enjoyed football and wrestling, left behind a son, and how he had a big heart. “He was a hero and signed up just in case something ever happened to him,” the letter read. The letter also included photos of the young man and his son. Donna shared the change that this gift has made in her life, allowing her to be more active with her children and grandchildren, and at the ceremony without her oxygen port.

The trend of hope continues to rise in Iowa, with increasing numbers embracing organ and tissue donation. You too can be a part of this journey of hope and healing. Register at to be a registered donor and join GMHC on Friday, April 12th by wearing blue or green to build awareness for donating life.

GMHC Marketing and Development Director, Amy Speed, and the ER team that provided care for her

Amy’s Story

In my marketing role at Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics, I get the privilege of promoting our hospital, our services, our family practice clinics, and our team of caregivers. One of the ways we promote GMHC is by sharing grateful patient stories. I was recently one of those grateful patients!

The last week of February, I was sick at home for several days. With high fever, chills and nausea, I thought I was fighting the stomach flu. And, because my career is not medical, but marketing, I really didn’t know any better!

By day five, feeling worse rather than better, my husband and I made the trip from our home in Cascade to Guttenberg to the GMHC Emergency Department. I was immediately taken into an emergency room where Angie Schmitt, RN, and ED/Hospitalist Bryon Bellinger, ARNP, provided care for me without delay. My IV was started and as Hylari Buensuceso, Medical Lab Scientist, gently drew my blood, I shut my eyes and rested, confident I was in good hands as they worked busily to determine what was ailing me.

After several tests and a CT scan by Samantha Bailey, Radiology Technologist, I was diagnosed with a bilateral kidney infection. Bryon explained the CT scan revealed both of my kidneys were inflamed with infection. When he told me I would be spending the night in the hospital on our Patient Care Unit, I got a little emotional. I didn’t realize just how severely sick I was. He assured me that I would feel much better in the morning after an evening of fluids and additional IV antibiotics. He was right! Thank you, Bryon, for your wisdom, professionalism, and reassurance.

Angie delivered me and my left arm’s new friend, the IV, up to my room to get comfy for the night and shortly after, a nice hot supper arrived. Besides childbirth, this was my first night in the hospital and I was impressed with how clean my room was and how incredibly quiet my stay was. I was well taken care of through the night; my water cup stayed filled and I was helped as needed. I barely remember the 4:30am visit from Altair Labagala, Medical Lab Scientist, to collect more blood.

Around 7am Thursday morning, Angie checked back in on me, giving me one more dose of IV antibiotic, and bringing me a yummy breakfast of a banana, oatmeal and toast, satisfying my recently returned appetite.

By 9am, after a visit with ED/Hospitalist George Osai, ARNP, who confirmed my improved lab results, I was released to go home. Angie walked me through my paperwork, my medication, and made me laugh more than once. Yes, laughter is good medicine! Thank you, Angie, for being my nurse and for the great care you gave me! You made me feel like I was your only patient even though I know I was not.

My husband picked me up and I left GMHC feeling much better, with the sun and a smile on my face! On Friday I received an unexpected, but much appreciated call from health coach Jody Pierce, RN, BSN, from Cornerstone Family Practice. Her warm and friendly demeanor and genuine concern for my health warmed my heart. By Monday, I was well enough to go back to work and looked forward to seeing and thanking my co-workers who took such excellent care of me!

My faith confirms that everything happens for a reason. I know that my patient experience will help me better market the extraordinary gift this hospital is to Guttenberg and its surrounding communities. The experience of walking right into our ED and being cared for immediately…WOW! The behind-the-scenes work in lab and imaging, the clean and comfy room, the hot breakfast, the compassionate care by my kind co-workers, all is greatly appreciated.

There is absolutely no place I would have rather been to receive my care than 45 minutes North at GMHC in Guttenberg!

Thank you, team GMHC, for partnering with me on my health recovery journey. I appreciate you all, the important work you do, and I am honored to work alongside and promote each of you.

Amy Speed

Community Resource Center Groundbreaking Ceremony

On March 26, 2024 the Guttenberg Economic & Industrial Development Committee held the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the much-anticipated Community Resource Center, a pivotal service hub for the region. The event marked the beginning of a transformative initiative aimed at addressing a diverse array of community needs.

The location of the new Community Resource Center is 516 S. 1st Street, Guttenberg, Iowa 52052 in the empty lot between the Guttenberg Brewing Company and the Municipal Building and will serve as a beacon of hope and support for the region, hosting over a dozen agencies dedicated to meeting multifaceted needs, including the Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics’ Family Resource Center. A wide range of services to be offered include a food pantry, clothing center, infant items, outerwear, backpack snack program for school age kids, school supplies, medical adaptive equipment, household basics, furniture, health insurance, housing assistance, utility/rent assistance, counseling, domestic/sexual violence advocate, mental health, substance abuse, elderly care, and transportation.

This ambitious project has been made possible through the generous support of the State of Iowa, which
awarded the Guttenberg Economic & Industrial Development Committee a significant $2.7 million grant to spearhead the construction of this essential facility. With the project well underway, efforts are in full swing to raise the matching funds required for the three-story facility, anticipated to cost just over $4 million.

The Groundbreaking Ceremony signified a momentous milestone in the journey towards fulfilling the vision of a thriving, supportive community in Guttenberg and its surrounding areas, commemorating this occasion and capturing the spirit of collaboration and progress that defines this initiative. A short presentation followed the Groundbreaking Ceremony at the Guttenberg Brewing Company.

About the Family Resource Center

Throughout life, almost everyone needs help at some point. That help could be judgement free zone, a
box of food, a bed after a fire or help navigating a confusing health care choice. All these caring services
are available for free through the Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics’ Family Resource Center (FRC).
The services at FRC are open to anyone, no matter age, income level, or ethnic background.

Let’s examine a typical day at the FRC which begins early in the morning as volunteers travel to Kwik Star
and Wal Mart to pick up food donations. The food is delivered to the small, unassuming building,
housing the Family Resource Center and an army of volunteers process the food for distribution for
people throughout the region.

But the FRC provides much more than needed food. A young couple from northern Clayton County
arrive at the FRC in need of shoes and their needs are met. Next through the FRC door is a set of
grandparents both employed in slightly above minimum wage jobs. They have recently become
custodians of their four young grandchildren. Dashed are their dreams of retiring at 65 and they need to
restart their lives raising young children. Their immediate needs include clothing, food and car seats and
the FRC can meet their needs.

After the staff assists the grandparents, a domestic abuse victim arrives at the FRC. She needs someone
to listen, offer solutions and provide clothing for her daughter. The proper agencies are connected with
this victim and a bag of clothing is sent for the daughter. The FRC was again able to meet the need.
The next young man who enters the FRC needs to utilize the free fax service offered at FRC. He needs to
fax a restraining order to the Sherriff’s Office and needs some guidance on navigating the judicial system.

Again, the young man’s needs were met.

Following the young man, the next to be served at the FRC is a new mother who is unable to purchase
baby formula for her newborn, which costs over $20 for a 3-4 day supply. Newborn’s are a blessing, but
create an especially financially hard time for young parents. This new mother requested three cans of
baby formula because she is almost out and does not get paid until the end of the month. The FRC
meets the new mother’s needs.

External service agencies use the FRC space to meet and assist regional residents. The SHIIP counselor
(Senior Health Insurance Information Program) and four seniors arrive at the FRC trying to navigate a
confusing healthcare system and are assisted in selecting the best option for them. The FRC met the
seniors’ needs by connecting them to SHIIP.

A local family comes to the FRC with an unimaginable tragedy and their child becomes hospitalized with
a debilitating condition. One parent must care full time for the child and can no longer work. The staff
at the Family Resource Center helps them navigate through the options available to help fill the gap that
was unexpectedly created. The family’s needs are met.

A nutritionally deficient senior living on social security with no family nearby is instructed by their health
care provider to have a diet including more protein and vegetables. However, the limited social security
check does not cover their needs. Again, the Family Resource Center steps in and his needs are met.

As outlined, a typical day at the FRC provides support to so many of our neighbors, friends, relatives, and
even complete strangers from our region. This is made possible through an army of volunteers and
financial supporters to keep the FRC operational five days a week year-round. The current rented FRC
building is much too small to meet the needs of our region, lacks privacy and much needed donated
items must be turned away due to lack of current storage space.

Thankfully, the FRC team found a way to try and climb out and up and continue to serve the growing
demand. The FRC team partnered with the Guttenberg Economic & Industrial Development Committee (GEIDC) and applied for a grant through the State of Iowa. The project was awarded a very generous grant and is well on the way to raising the required matching funds. The current shortfall is nearly $250,000. If you can help, please click the link attached, or contact our volunteer Fund Raising Coordinator Kathy Lansing at Make a donation online.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. To help save a life and prevent a scare, GMHC employee Shannon Bachtell shares her story:

My biological father died from complications of colon cancer at the age of 56. Because of this, routine colonoscopies became a part of my life at 36, a relatively young age.  

In July of 2023 I went in for my annual colonoscopy. At that time, a few polyps were removed, including some that were precancerous. The bigger issue was a few polyps that were unable to be safely removed due to their location. It was determined to let things settle down and reattempt in December. In December, I went in for my second colonoscopy and again had polyps removed, including one that was precancerous. However they were still unable to remove the polyps that were previously inaccessible. They remained where they were and were unable to be safely removed. 

At that time, given that I had several precancerous polyps removed at this point and that the polyps remained inaccessible, it was determined that the best course of action was to perform a right hemicolectomy with anastomosis. In other words, they removed my right ascending colon and reattached everything. (So no, I don’t have a colostomy). They also removed 13 lymph nodes and as an added bonus, my appendix. The results of this were “multiple precancerous polyps” but because of the aggressive treatment, everything that was causing a problem was now gone.

Prognosis? Excellent.

I will continue to have annual colonoscopies but because they removed a sizable piece of my colon, along with the lymph nodes, my chances of developing colon cancer remain low, especially with annual screenings.

Moral of the story? Get your screenings done! It’s not that bad and it could save your life. 


By Caroline Rosacker, Guttenberg Press

During the COVID-19 pandemic the Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics (GMHC) hired front door screeners to greet patients and guide them through the check-in questions. At that time, hospital staff members recognized what an asset it was to have someone there to greet patients.  

Volunteer Greeter Program 

“In the fall of 2022, we conceptualized a volunteer program and reached out to other hospitals regarding their programs,” commented Amy Speed, Director of Marketing and Development. “We launched our program in March of 2023, with Becky Shaffer being our first volunteer greeter.”  

Becky Shaffer of Guttenberg had previous volunteer greeter experience and was very helpful in guiding the hospital’s program.  

“Becky not only greets our patients, but escorts them to different departments if they need guidance, and most importantly, visits with them to pass the time while they are waiting. She also has met with some folks in the chapel” Speed told The Press.  

The volunteer program began with mornings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The hospital added another greeter, retired nurse and former hospital employee, Deb Schlueter, in June. “Our program is very flexible, in fact, Deb is away during the winter and will step back into her position upon her return in the spring” noted Speed.  

Positive feedback 

GMHC has received positive feedback on patient surveys proving that the program enhances patient experience. In October, one person commented. “Loved visiting with your greeter!”  

The healthcare facility hopes to expand their volunteer program to five days a week, and more hours per day. Potential volunteers will go through an interview process and will be trained for their very important role as the first person to greet patients.  

Becky Shaffer 

Although Deb Schlueter is enjoying time away from her volunteer position, The Press was able to sit down with Becky and visit with her about her involvement in the program.  

Mike and Becky Shaffer took advantage of their part-time residence on Esman Island and used it as their full-time home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The couple decided if they had to shelter in place they would rather be on the island watching the Mississippi River flow by, than living in their permanent residence in nearby Cedar Rapids.  

The Shaffers purchased their island get-away in 2005 and spent many long weekends enjoying all the amenities Guttenberg has to offer. “We were always on the go and quite busy,” said Becky. “When we were encouraged to shelter-in-place our lives slowed down and we experienced living in Guttenberg through a different lens.”   

The couple enjoyed their new lifestyle and decided to make Guttenberg their permanent residence. “Mike is able to work from home, but still drives back and forth to Cedar Rapids when he needs to,” she explained. “To our great surprise our children have relocated to this beautiful community as well! Our son, T.K and his wife, Lisa live in the Estes Point area, and our daughter, Shannon purchased property in the River Ridge Acres subdivision and is set to build in the spring.” 

Giving back to her community 

Becky sought out volunteer work almost as soon as they were settled in and able to be social. “We have always been so impressed with the Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics. It was one of the main reasons we choose to live full-time in Guttenberg,” she said.  

Amy Speed approached Becky about volunteering as a greeter in the main lobby of the hospital. “I had done this kind of volunteer work at Mercy hospital in Cedar Rapids, so I was familiar with the protocol. Confidentiality is a must,” she stressed.  

Becky’s cheerful, upbeat attitude helps lessen anxiety in the patient waiting area, but she is also very aware that some people would rather be alone. “I have been blessed with wonderful conversation skills. I can talk to just about anyone,” she laughed. ” My goal is for people to leave here with a smile on their face.”  

The eager volunteer is grateful for the opportunity to give back to the hospital for all the excellent, professional care she and her husband have received since relocating to Guttenberg.  “Volunteering at GMHC gives me a reason to stay active in the community and help others,” Becky commented.  

Small town connections 

The Shaffers have also experienced many small town connections. “When we met Juanita, and the late Russ Loven I found out that my father was Russ’ coach in high school. I heard so many wonderful stories about my father that I had never heard before,” she shared. “The family that lived in our home following the derecho was Norm Kopecky’s brother. Small town connections are so much fun!”  

Becky, who is active in St. Mary’s Church, and is a member of Umbrella Arts, Ingleside Club, and a Stephen Minister leader, is very impressed with the GMHC staff. “They all work together as a team, and help one another,” she proudly shared. “It just makes me happy to be in this environment and they are so appreciative. I love this community and want people to see Guttenberg the way my husband and I see Guttenberg – a great place to live, work, volunteer, and play!”  

Would you like to join GMHC as a volunteer greeter? Apply online or contact Amy Speed at amy.speed@guttenberghospital for more information. 

GMHC has partnered with MercyOne Above & Beyond Home Health Services to provide Guttenberg and surrounding communities with a much-needed home health solution. Since October 2023, Above & Beyond has provided us with a direct referral source to deliver our patients with nursing care and physical therapy in the home. This partnership offers a turnkey solution to our consumer experience and quality care delivery.

How is Home Health different than Community Paramedicine?

For a patient to qualify for home health they must be “home bound”, meaning they can only leave their residence for appointments. Community Paramedicine offers a community service to a population in need when the patient is not considered “home bound”. Both services provide our patients with an in-home evaluation. In addition, Home Health offers skilled nursing, extensive wound cares treatments, personal cares assistance, and physical therapies.

If your loved one, friend or neighbor has medical needs in their home, please consider discussing these options with their primary care provider.

Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics is upgrading its CT system with innovative AI-assisted technologies of the Canon Aquilion Prime SP. Installation of the new CT system will begin the week of December 11. While the CT room is prepped for installation, a mobile CT unit will be placed outside GMHC’s Imaging Department on November 28 and will remain there until installation is complete.

Upon completion of the installation, GMHC Imaging staff will be trained on the Aquilion Prime SP with tentative removal of the mobile CT unit on December 19.

The improved diagnostic capabilities of the Canon Aquilion Prime SP CT system will allow even challenging cases, from pediatric to bariatric and beyond, to benefit from world-class images reconstructed at high speed with the latest Deep Learning innovation.

The Advanced intelligent Clear-IQ Engine (AiCE) – AiCE is an innovative approach to CT reconstruction that uses Deep Learning technology in the Aquilion Prime SP system that reduces noise, boosts signal to deliver sharp, clear and distinct images across many body regions at the optimized dose for every patient.

The updated CT System will allow the Imaging Department at GMHC to better serve patients, more quickly and quietly, from the youngest to the largest, with confident diagnostic image quality.

In April, the Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics’ Auxiliary celebrated its 70th Anniversary at a Volunteer Luncheon at GMHC. For 70 years, the GMHC Auxiliary has supported the hospital in achieving its vision of transforming the health and wellness of the communities we serve with personalized and convenient care. Auxiliary members volunteer in the GMHC Gift Shop and help with fundraising activities. Our auxiliary is invaluable to GMHC, purchasing equipment for GMHC with fundraising funds and supporting the community.

  • Awarding three $500 scholarships each year to GMHC employees or community members who wish to continue their education or start a new career in health care
  • Supporting Red Ribbon Week at local schools
  • Easter Basket sales
  • Christmas Cookie Walk
  • Monthly Walking Tacos fundraiser for GMHC staff

In 2023, the Auxiliary supported the hospital and community by donating the following:  Wheelchair Scale ($2608), Four Healthcare Scholarships ($2000), PICC / IV Training Arm ($3110), Red Ribbon Week ($400), Shepherd of the Hills ($400), Charge Nurse Leadership Course ($638) and an ECG Simulator ($912), for a total of $10,068.


The Auxiliary continues to be successful with the help of its members. Membership dues are $10 annually and open to all interested adults who want to volunteer their time and talents as much or as little as their time allows. Whether you are a crafter, a baker, or you just enjoy people and would like to work in the Gift Shop or help in any way possible, the Auxiliary needs you. Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the GMHC Education Center and attendance is optional.

Cookie Walk Dec. 1 & 2

The Auxiliary Cookie Walk is on Fri., Dec. 1, from 10 am–3 pm, and Sat., Dec. 2, from 9 am–11 am. Besides a large variety of cookies, there will be many beautiful and delicious items including pies, cakes, breads, muffins, jams, jellies and candy. The Gift Shop will be open and will feature gifts, decorations and many stocking stuffers. Donations of baked goods can be delivered to the GMHC Education Center on Friday, Dec. 1. If you would like to volunteer to help at the Cookie Walk, call or stop by the Gift Shop to sign up.

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